ICC: The Justice Master Bender - The Kenya Case.
January 2013

World View

In the movie Air bender the magical master player boy bends the air and even wins in a suprmecy war between him as Air Bender against evil Fire Bender. This narration is a sneak preview of a creative piece of works in a movie christened Air-bender, concieved and produced by some ingenious movie maker.

The above bending happens in a movie. A real life wicked bending is happening at ICC in the Hague. Wellcome to the world of justice bending where a vulnerable race is under siege.

In the aftermath of 2007/2008 post election violence majority of kenyans genuinely believed that the ICC was the better option as a dispenser of justice and would therefore be better placed to right the wrongs committed. But, after watching ICC's process, from choice of suspects to confirmation of charges and consequent prosecution theatrics, those same kenyans are now reeling with frustration, with a foam of bitter after taste in their mouths.

It's now apparent that the ICC did not carry out their own indepenent investigations. Rather they relied on incorrect and skewed information sent to them by interested parties including biased 'human rights' outfits and outright competing political interests.

The case of Three co-accused.

Former police commissioner, Hussein Ali, former Head of civil service, Francis Muthaura and Uhuru Kenyatta were accused together and thier cases bundled as one. According to ICC prosecution the three co-authored, co-ordinated and executed a common plan of mayem against some kenyans. As the proceedings continued the former commissioner of police, Ali, had his charges dropped at confirmation of charges stage because the prosecution evidence against him was hollow. Needless to say that the three should have been set free at this stage because they were alleged co-perpetrators. That is, one did not exist without the other(s). But since this was a prosecution "project", choreographed and directed by some unseen hand, it had to continue nevertheless.

As the process continued the true color of ICC started showing up. The bomb shell was about to drop. The prosecution witness OTP 4 under whose evidence the three co-accused was based was slowly being consumed by guilt and before long dicided to let the cat out of the bag. Yes,he admitted to being a liar, a fraud and now recanted all the "evidence" he had earlier put forward against the three co-accused. Phew. This could only happen in a movie !

In her own words the Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda decided that the Muthaura case could not continue without OTP 4 's cooked evidence. Muthaura was set free.

The billion Dollar Question

If the three were co-perpetrators, if they co-authored, planned and executed a common plan, if OTP 4's fradulent evidence was used to confirm the Muthaura and Uhuru cases, then I humbly ask; why do you choose to continue with Uhuru's case if the Muthaura one stands dropped following the OTP 4's unmasking? What does co-perpetrator, co-accused and co-authored mean here ?

Actually the judges should have dropped all the remaining cases immediatedly the fraudulent evidence was revealed. But to consternation of many watchers the judges even refused to refer back the Uhuru case to confirmation of charges chamber. Now what's that?

This is bending justice like it happens in movies. This is a prosecution "project" and the faster it crumbles the better for righteous people like us

Unadulterated Thoughts by Mnj